How to unscrew a rusty bolt?

Many motorists and car mechanics often face the problem of loosening rusty and stuck bolts and nuts. Often this problem can be complicated by a breakdown of the fastener. As a result, many motorists do not know what to do in order to unscrew the broken bolt on the car. Why do rusty bolts break, and how to unscrew rusty car fasteners? About this and other in our today's review of special tools for unscrewing attached and rusty bolts, nuts, etc.

The main rule, before you begin to unscrew the problem bolt, is the availability of the right tools and knowledge of how to handle it. Otherwise, when unscrewing, you risk breaking the fastener, which can result in more troublesome work to remove the broken bolt from the car. 

The most common mistake when unscrewing rusty, old bolts and nuts is excessive self-confidence that everything is easy and simple. This is initially not the right approach. Remember that even if the bolt is easy to unscrew, it can break, crack, etc. any time. Therefore, you must be careful and certainly not in a hurry. 

But what if, nevertheless, the bolt broke inside the car part? Is there really no way out? Of course have. For example, drilling and many other methods that car mechanics use in technical automobile centers , car services and garage services. 

Penetrating oil for loosening bolts and nuts

There are a lot of heated discussion and demand in the Russian-language and English-language Internet about the best chemical tool for treating rusty bolts that are difficult to unscrew. Someone advises using the popular WD-40 . Someone, on the contrary, criticizes this tool, offering to use some other. In general, like most discussions in the network, there is simply no consensus on the effectiveness of a particular tool. 

We want to immediately say on our own behalf that contrary to the widespread belief that the WD-40 can do a lot, this tool does not help to unscrew the rusted bolt, since the chemical formula of WD-40 is not penetrating. If you are an ardent supporter of this tool, you can write to us an angry comment below, we will be happy to discuss this issue with you.

In fact, on the Internet there are gigabytes of information on various forums about various tools that facilitate the process of unscrewing fasteners. You will be surprised how many different tools car enthusiasts offer, describing your personal experience in loosening rust bolts. The number of different lubricants and chemicals is huge, ranging from a simple WD-40, and ending with exotic products.

We interviewed employees of automotive technical centers and car services in order to find out what kind of rust bolt treatment tool really helps and makes it easier to unscrew them. As a result, we learned that most of the tools offered by users on forums and groups on social networks do not help. Such laudatory things as gear oil, acetone, motor oil and even gasoline or diesel fuel do not help either . 

According to the results of our survey, we found out that it is definitely necessary to use only special chemicals. For example, a best penetrating oil that really helps to unscrew a rusty bolt and reduce the risk of breakage. As a rule, such an oil has a special chemical formula that allows the active substances to penetrate into the metal and facilitate the rolling of bolts in the threaded connection.

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